Title: Waking
Genre: Horror
Story: Raven Gregory
Art: Vic Drujiniu
Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment
Year: 2010
Issues/Pages: 01-04 of 04
Rate: 80/100
PROMO: From the writer of Zenescope's smash hit Wonderland trilogy, and Image Comics' THE GIFT, comes Raven Gregory's newest tale of horror. In the big city, police detectives investigating routine murders discover that the victims of these crimes are coming back from the dead in search of those responsible for ending their lives.
Now the detectives are in a race against time to find the source of the recent 'waking's' before the victims deal out their own brand of bloody justice. Meanwhile, a father with an incredible ability must choose between avenging his daughter's death or losing her forever. Check out what is sure to be one of the freshest new takes on the zombie mythos in 2010.
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