Saturday, January 28, 2012

Lady Mechanika

Title: Lady Mechanika
Genre: Steampunk, Sci-Fi
Story/Artwork: Joe Benitez
Color: Peter Steigerwald
Publisher: Aspen MLT
Issues/pages: issues 00-03, ongoing
Year: 2010-

ENGLISH(promo): "The tabloids dubbed her "Lady Mechanika", the sole survivor of a serial killer's three-year rampage through England. Authorities found her locked in an abandoned laboratory amidst an undeterminable number of corpses and body parts, her own limbs having been amputated and replaced with mechanical components."

Witch Doctor

Title: Witch Doctor
Genre: Horror
Story: Brandon Seivert
Artwork: Lukas Ketner
Publisher: Skybound
Issues/pages: 4 issues, complete
Year: 2011.
Rate(by Undead-Comics): 9.0

ENGLISH(promo): It's a sick world — literally. The universe is a living thing, and the monsters of legend are its parasites. Earth’s immune system — humanity — has been at war with supernature for all of history. But to fight a disease, you don’t need soldiers. You need doctors.
Doctors like Vincent Morrow, excommunicated from the medical community and headhunted into an exciting new career in the black arts. Morrow serves the world with both hands — one in magic, one in medicine — as earth’s protector. Earth’s Witch Doctor.
It’s a sick world — he’s here to treat it.

REVIEW: Da Dilan Dog nije jedan od najvećih zavodnika i jebača strip sveta, da umesto na prelepe cure bujnih grudi jednom baci oko na muško i svojim semenom oplodi (on to može, pošto je svemoćni gospodar univerzuma, car, brat i bog-otac) Dr. Hausa, nakon devet meseci svetlost dana bi verovatno ugledalo stvorenje prilično nalik  Witch Doctoru.
Prelepo je upravo to koliko ovaj strip, iako neosporno pripadnik ovoih modernih vremena, u sebi ima tog nekog neopipivog šmeka prošlosti, istorije stripa... ili možda samo u sebi sadrži sve ono što bi strip trebao da ima, uvek, a zapravo retko. Harizmatičan, ubedljiv i nezaboravan junak, bezmalo jednako zabavni pomoćnici (pre svega demonima zaposednuta Penny Dreadful), tušte i tma razno-raznih kreatura iz najdubljih ponora ljudskog uma, brdo scena nabijene akcije, hektolitre krvi i mrvice crnog i sarkastičnog humora... 
Witch Doctor je izabrani, izabrani koji je iz kamena izvukao Ekskalibur, izabrani da se bori protiv drevne pretnje - bića u hibernaciji duboko pod površinom zemlje, koji se bude s vremena na vreme i uništavaju sav život na zemlji, menjanjući čak i zakone fizike. u međuvremenu se bori i sa manjim infekcijama zla - vampirima, vilama, demonima. U tome mu pomaže ex-marinac i već pominjana Penny... Nije, oh nije, Docotr presrećan zbog svoje situacije, ali, eto, od sudbine se ne beži, a i čini se da se uglavnom zabavlja radeći svoj posao....
Svaki od četiri broja je suvo zlato i na kraju ćete samo želeti jo, to vam obećavam. Za ovu godinu najavljena je još jedna serija, tako da čeka nje i neće biti predugo.
p.s. crtež je fenomenalan!

The Nail

Title: The Nail
Genre: Horror
Story: Rob Zombie, Steve Niles
Artwork: Nate Piekos
Color: Shawna Gore
Publisher: Dark Horse
Issues/pages: 4, complete
Year: 2004.

ENGLISH(promo): Rock star, film-maker, and horror maven Rob Zombie teams up with comics’ hippest horror writer for the most outrageous comics thriller of the year! In the creepy, gore-drenched tradition of such cinematic ’70s classics as Duel and The Hills Have Eyes comes The Nail! Small-time pro-wrestler Rex Hauser (a.k.a. The Nail) makes a living touring the small-town wrestling circuit with his family. It’s business as usual for this close-knit bunch until they unwittingly cross paths with a murderous gang of Satanic bikers. But these aren’t your run-of-the-mill devil worshippers. In fact, Hauser and his family just might be up against the most un-Godly evil ever known to man. Fan-favorite painter Simon Bisley provides covers for this series. FOR MATURE READERS

SERBIAN(review): Ako ste, poput mene, uvek u potrazi za kvalitetnim "slasher" filmovima, ako ste bez istih kao 'koman na krizi, ako se na kraju dana tokom kojeg niste našli ništa zanimljivo i novo, zadovoljavate i pedeset i petim puštanjem "Petka Trinaestog", "Noći Veštica" ili nekog bog-te-pitaj kako sklepanog low-budget govneta, "The Nail" može biti baš stvar za vas. 
Od prvih strana sve je smešteno u najbolji "70s slasher movie" kliše - šumica, mladi, zaljubljeni par u kolima, mladić koji nagovara curu na seksualni interkors, blowjob i... Sve što sledi su monstrumi, sise, krv, prosuta creva, smrskane lobanje, ljubav i požrtvovanost koja pobeđuje odvratnost i zlo samog pakla.
Ljubitelji "Teksaškog Masakra" i "Brda Imaju Oči" ovde će biti kao kod kuće.


Title: Watchmen
Genre: Superhero, Sci-Fi
Story: Alan Moore
Artwork: Dave Gibbons
Publisher: DC Comics
Issues/Pages: 12 issues, complete
Year: 1986-1987

ENGLISH(promo): It all begins with the paranoid delusions of a half-insane hero called Rorschach. But is Rorschach really insane or has he in fact uncovered a plot to murder super-heroes and, even worse, millions of innocent civilians? On the run from the law, Rorschach reunites with his former teammates in a desperate attempt to save the world and their lives, but what they uncover will shock them to their very core and change the face of the planet! Following two generations of masked superheroes from the close of World War II to the icy shadow of the Cold War comes this groundbreaking comic story — the story of The Watchmen.

Samurai: Legend

Title: Samurai: Legend
Story: Jean-Francois Di Giorgio
Artwork: frederic Genet
Color: Delphine Rieu
Publisher: Marvel
Issues/pages: 4 issues, complete vol.1
Year: 2008-2009

ENGLISH(promo): The European best-seller now finally presented in English! Writer Jean-Francois Di Giorgio and artist Frédéric Genêt tap into the rich mythology of the noble Samurai creating a nuanced look at the fabled Japanese warriors. Having become a samurai, Takeo feels strong enough to confront his past. On the borders of Japan a terrible plan is being plotted: General Akuma, one of the Empire's most influential figures, seems to be dead set on betraying the emperor  to his own advantage. However, a grave secret links the two men: the 13th prophet. Meanwhile, Takeo hopes to discover who he is. Why did he grow up in a monastery ? And why was he abandoned by his brother ten years earlier? His quest will put him in deep torment, placing him in the middle of the dark destiny of the Empire and the 13th prophet!

The Dunwich Horror

Title: the Dunwich Horror
Genre: Horror
Story: Joe Landsdale
Artwork: Peter Bergting
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Issues/pages: 4 issues, complete
Year: 2011-2012

ENGLISH(promo): H.P. Lovecraft is known as one of the key founders of modern horror, cited as a major influence by many prominent authors, such asStephen King. In collaboration with renowned Lovecraft historian and literary caretaker Robert Weinberg, IDW is bringing you the definitive Lovecraft comics updated for a 21st century audience. This unique series begins by adapting classic Lovecraft tale “The Dunwich Horror” by fright-master Joe R. Lansdale (30 Days of Night: Night, Again) and Peter Bergting (D&D: Dark Sun)...

Last Mortal

Title: Last Mortal
Story: Johan Mahoney, Filip Sablik
Artwork: Tomas Nachlik
Publisher: Image Comics
Issues/Pages: 4 issues, complete
Year: 2011.

ENGLISH(promo): Alec King is a born loser. A small time criminal who has never succeeded at anything in life and whose fear of failure has crippled him. When his only friend, Brian, the brains and charm of their two-man operation, convinces Alec to help him with a hit contract on a mayoral candidate his life unravels to rock bottom. But sometimes we need to hit rock bottom to begin the climb towards a better day...

What would you do if you hit rock bottom and there was no way out? If you had tried to take the final escape and discovered that path was blocked? In the case of Alec King, the suicidal immortal, you pick up a gun and set out to take out the bastards responsible for your misery. A class noir revenge tale with a supernatural twist from Minotaur Press!

SERBIAN(review): "Last Mortal" jeste mini-serija koja se čita u jednom cugu, sva četiri broja, očiju fiksiranih na monitor/hartiju, sa razmenom ugljen-dioksida za novu dozu kiseonika tek kad um počne da se muti, sa "oh, fuck, I blinked!" mišlju svako malo, kao da će magične koprene, što su je pisci ove priče dogli oko vas, nestati u tom trenu mraka. 
Pratimo Aleka - sitnog lopova i krupnog gubitnika. Niz pogrešnih skretanja, doveo ga je maltene do dna - do života na ulici, nekog kontejnera, skladišta, do cimanja za jednu viršlu dnevno, do toga da ima jednog-jedinog prijatelja... prijatelja zbog kojeg ijeste tu gde je. Upravo prijatelj ima novi plan, samo jedan od stotinu pređašnih i okončanih epskim neuspesima, naime, oni, takvi, nikakvi, trebaju da ubiju kandidata za guvernera Filadelfije. Sve odlazi u kurac - ortak gine, politačr gnjida živi, Alek slomljen, sjeban puca sebi u glavu. 
I tu nije kraj, već zaista tek početak.
Sve što sledi je sjajno. Autori nas bacaju kroz vreme, kroz sate i godine, od koledža, do današnjih dana, svako malo ubacuju nove elemente, nova pitanja i odgovore, zanatski rade ono što holivud godinama ne uspeva - ispredaju jak akcioni triler koji je kul do bola, a, onako usput, stvaraju superheroja kakvog strip svet ne videše decenijama! 
Zaista, ne može ovo biti sve o Aleku.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Title: Crossed
Genre: Horror
Story: Garth Ennis
Artwork: Jacen Burrows
Color: Juanmar
Publisher: Avatar Press
Issues/Pages: 9 issues, complete
Year: 2008-2010

ENGLISH(wiki): "The story follows survivors dealing with a plague that causes its victims to carry out their most evil thoughts and wishes. Carriers of the virus are known as the Crossed due to a cross-like rash that appears on their faces. This contagion is primarily spread through bodily fluids, which the Crossed have used to great effect by treating their weapons with their fluids.
The outbreak spread rapidly, apparently overwhelming the entire United States, and in all probability, the world, overnight. Law and order quickly broke down as police and military were infected or deserted their posts, Air Force One was destroyed midflight and the infected run amok, killing, raping and maiming for fun. Jetliners were crashed into buildings, nuclear power plants were intentionally blown up and families and friends brutally butchered each other with whatever weapons they could find."

The Saga of The Metabarons

Title: The Saga of The Metabarons
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Artwork: Juan Gimenez
Publisher: Humanoides Associes
Issues/Pages: issues 1-4, 249 pages
Year: 1992-1997

ENGLISH(wiki): "The Metabarons or The Saga of The Meta-Barons is a science fantasycomic series relating the history of a dynasty of perfect warriors known as theMetabaronsThe Metabarons series was written by creator Alejandro Jodorowsky and illustrated by Argentinian artist Juan Gimenez. The series, published by Humanoïdes Associés, is complete, the last volume having been released at the end of 2003."

SERBIAN(review): Suvoparan, optimistični Sci-Fi sa prejakim akcentom na nauku nikada ne beše moje parče idealne literature. Da, kao klinacklinacklinac voleh Verna, zatim Klarka i srodnu mu ekipu, ali tek otkrićem Simonsa i Herberta pronađoh svoju pravu ljubav - epski SF. Kasta Metabarona je jedan od najboljih, ako ne i najbolji,predstavnika tog žanra u strip svetu.Tako da je kultna serija koja je brižno, koliko i sporo stvarana više od jedne decenije, obavezno štivo svagog fana "Hiperiona", "Dine" ili recimo TV serije "Betlstar: Galaktika" - raskošna space opera o kasti savršenih boraca, tzv. Metabarona, obiluje nasiljem, ljubavlju, setom, besom, razočaranjima, krvlju - bivajući generalno daleko humanija od većine SF kako u stripovnog, tako i književnog ili onog sa velikih platna ili malih ekrana. 
Metabaron je jedan i uvek jedan, ritual i obaveza se prenosi s kolena na koleno u surovoj borbi oca i sina na smrt - gde će sin pokazati da je dostojan, ubiti oca i produžiti kastu ili pak ispasti nedostojan, bezvredan i pasti od sečiva sopstvenog oca. rituelno samo-sakaćenje i nadomešćivanje odstranjenih delova tela (čulnih organa, udova...) metalnim implantima je još jedna tradicija Metabarona.
Kroz osam epizoda (ovde obajveljene prve četiri) pratićemo nekolicnu generacija Metabarona, priča posvećene samim borcima, kao i njihovim životnim saputnicama, nesuđenim ljubavima. ne očekujte od ovih savšenih boraca debilnu potrebu za lutanje univerzumom i ispravljanjem krvih drina, ne - pobude i ciljevi Metabarona su uglavnom lični, nekad čak i sebični, a putevi do njih nelišeni prljavštine, lukavosti i manipulacija - ne neka nedostižna vaseljenska pravda i ravnoteža, već lična istina, osveta i opet ta ljubav. 
Suštinski, uzimajući u obzir likove, priču koja protilče kroz praćenje više generacija (deda, očeva, unuka...) i opšteg univerzuma u koji je smeštena Saga o Metabaronima najlakše je povući paralelu sa herbertovom Dinom i ako vam se dotični biser svetskog SF-a dopao, morate pročitati i ovo. 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Conan - Road of Kings

Title: Conan: Road of Kings
Genre: Fantasy/Sword and Sorcery
Story: Roy Thomas
Artwork: Mike Hawthorne and Johan Lucas
Color: Dave Stewart
Publisher: Dark Horse
Issues/Pages: issues 1-6
Year: 2010-2011.

ENGLISH(promo): “Conan: Road of Kings picks up the barbarian on the Vilayet Sea, at nearly the easternmost edge of Robert E. Howard’s map of the Hyborian age, and has twelve breathless issues to deliver him — black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand — to the westernmost shores of that age undreamed of,” Thomas continued. “To reach his destination, he must travel the fabled Road of Kings that winds its way through the civilized kingdoms — but along his path lurk inhuman monstrosities, malevolent sorcerers and not a few power-crazed men and women who are determined to see to it that he doesn’t make it.
“Dynamic artist Mike Hawthorne and I intend to make Conan’s westward odyssey a chapter in the Cimmerian’s life that readers won’t soon forget,” Thomas explained. “This will be a quite different take on Conan’s life than the one I pioneered at Marvel in the seventies and the nineties, with new adventures, new antagonists, even new and alternative sides to characters you thought you’d met before.”


Title: Drums
Genre: Occult/Horror
Story: El Torres
Artwork: Abe Hernando and Kwaichang Kraneo
Publisher: Image Comics
Issues/Pages: 4 issues, complete
Year: 2011.

ENGLISH(promo): In our world there exists an ancient religion with many names and many disguises:
Candomble, Palo Mayombe, Santeria... Voodoo.
FBI agent Martin Irons is sent to investigate the sudden deaths of an entire gathering of followers at a ceremony, an assignment horrible enough before one of the mangled corpses rises and leads him on a sinister path. A new horror story with possesions, santeros, zombies... all set to the thunderous boom of drums!

Chronicles of Wormwood

Title: Chronicles of Wormwood
Genre: Fantasy/Horror
Artwork: Jacen Burrows
Color: Andrew Dalhouse
Publisher: Avatar Press
Issues/Pages: 6 issues, complete
Year: 2006-2007

ENGLISH(promo): Garth Ennis unleashes his next major religious epic in the vein of Preacher, but this-time, he's taking it up a notch! Wormwood is the anti-Christ, no way around it, his dad is Satan and his demonic powers help him fit right into New York. His best friend is Jesus, who is a black, mentally-challenged, man that just isn?t performing many miracles these days. The pesky Armageddon is coming right up, and it doesn?t look like Pope Jacko is going to be any help in stopping it. Ennis drags the whole world into the gutter with his trademark razor-sharp dialogue, biting wit, and the stunning art of Jacen Burrows, all in full-color.

SERBIAN(review): Garth Ennis je još jedan mag devete umetnosti čija su dela prosto obligatorna na jednom strip blogu koji iza sebe nosi makar zrno objektivnosti. Svaki ljubitelj stripa će svakako priznati silne kvalitete njegovih dela, ali možda navesti i nekolicinu mana. Ipak, autor konkretno ovog bloga je prilikom posete suđaja ostao kratak sa objektivnošću i poštovanjem tuđeg mišljenja (kao i sa sluhom, vidom, fizičkom snagom, polnim organom...), pa će samo zbog lične opsesije ovom autoru u budućnosti posvetiti maltene centralno mesto uz još par velikana, napistai bezbroj postova o njemu i njegovim stripovima i uvek govoriti u superlativima!
 Bivajući čovek, manje-više, nevernik i čak neko ko misli da je Hrišćanstvo (i svi ostali derivati židovske jednobožačke religije) najveće zlo što se čovečantsvu dogodilo još od  silaska sa drveta, posedujem možda kontradiktornu opsesiju istim. Recimo to ovako - starozavetna planeta zemlja mi je zanimljiviji fantazijski svet od tolkinove Srednje Zemlje, lukasove "galaxy far, far away..." i vasecelog Dungens&Dragons lore-a. S tim u vezi pisanija Gartha Ennisa su just my cup of tea. Od ennisovih nezaboravnih epizoda "Hellblazera" ("Beli Put" objavi na srpskom neke od njih), preko fenomenalnog "Preachera", pa evo sad do "Chroniles of Wormwood" traje bezgrešna niska sjajnih bisera epsko-religijsko-fantazijskih-horor priča. Upravo tu kritičari ennisovog lika i dela nalaze glavno uporište - u određenoj derivatnosti njegovih radova nakon Hellblazere, nabijem ih na kolac/lightsaber sve! 
Ovo je ennisova, verovatno, najhrabrija i najkontraverznija priča do sada! Cela biblijska ekipa izmeštena u moderni svet, sa Antihristom kao glavnim likom, koji svoje večeri provodi u kafani s asvojim najboljim prijateljem - novim Hristom u vidu crnca alkoholičara sa dredovima razočaranog u svet i život, sa Kurvom babilonskom, sa Jovankom Olreankom (kurava francuska obična), zecom perverznjakom koji priča, papom rasistom i seksomanom, barmenom sa penisom umetso nosa i tako dalje. Kroz šest epizoda nabijenih spektakularnim otkrovenjima, vizionarskim prizorima raja i pakla, akcijom i prejakim crnim humorom, Ennis bezmolno pripoveda o nastanku crkve, njenoj pravoj svrsi i baji koji stoji iza svega toga. Iako je u suštini priča religiozna i na Hrista i njegova učenja gleda blagonaklono, istovremeno predstavlja jedno od najsurovijih udaraca u jalove mošnice Hrišćanske, katoličke crkve. Ultimativna šlajmara u lažljiva lica većine sveštenika ovog sveta što besramno nose beli kolar oko vrata. 


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