Title: Crossed
Genre: Horror
Story: Garth Ennis
Artwork: Jacen Burrows
Color: Juanmar
Publisher: Avatar Press
Issues/Pages: 9 issues, complete
Year: 2008-2010
ENGLISH(wiki): "The story follows survivors dealing with a plague that causes its victims to carry out their most evil thoughts and wishes. Carriers of the virus are known as the Crossed due to a cross-like rash that appears on their faces. This contagion is primarily spread through bodily fluids, which the Crossed have used to great effect by treating their weapons with their fluids.
The outbreak spread rapidly, apparently overwhelming the entire United States, and in all probability, the world, overnight. Law and order quickly broke down as police and military were infected or deserted their posts, Air Force One was destroyed midflight and the infected run amok, killing, raping and maiming for fun. Jetliners were crashed into buildings, nuclear power plants were intentionally blown up and families and friends brutally butchered each other with whatever weapons they could find."
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