Title: Bad Planet
Genre: Sci-Fi
Story: Thomas Jane, Steve Niles
Art: Lewis Larosa, Tim Bradstreet
Publisher: Image Comics
Year: 2007-2008
Issues: 01-06 of 06
Rate: 85/100
PROMO: THROUGHOUT THE COSMOS there is a term, a combination of two simple words, spoken in over 40 million dialects which bring fear to countless living species. It is a phrase of warning, of dread, of imminent and ancient destruction. Entire civilizations have fallen under the label and disappeared from existence like a wisp of smoke on the solar wind. Now Earth itself has been designated by these two deadly words and we can only pray for a quick and painless end to everything we have ever known. Welcome to Earth . . . The next BAD PLANET.
The world of Bad Planet is the brainchild of Thomas Jane, spewed forth from a particularly vivid nightmare. Add a dose of Steve Niles, the art direction and inking talents of Tim Bradstreet, and a full serving of concept artist/penciler James Daly... And what you wind up with is a modern classic in the making.
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