Title: War of the Undead
Genre: Horror
Story: Bryan Johnson
Art: Walter Flanagan
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
Issues: 01-03 of 03
Rate: 80/100
PROMO: In East Germany in 1945, Hitler has committed suicide and the war is over, but a secret cabal of Nazis have an insane plan to resurrect Hitler's soul from Hell and place it in an earthly vessel. To do this, the Nazis will have to gather the Earth's greatest monsters: Dracula, the werewolf and Frankenstein's monster! World War II might soon be over... but THE WAR OF THE UNDEAD is just beginning. This collection compiles the three-part miniseries plus the exclusive 9-page preview story, too. From the twisted team of Bryan Johnson and Walter Flanagan, who let Karney loose on an unsuspecting public.
Genre: Horror
Story: Bryan Johnson
Art: Walter Flanagan
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
Issues: 01-03 of 03
Rate: 80/100
PROMO: In East Germany in 1945, Hitler has committed suicide and the war is over, but a secret cabal of Nazis have an insane plan to resurrect Hitler's soul from Hell and place it in an earthly vessel. To do this, the Nazis will have to gather the Earth's greatest monsters: Dracula, the werewolf and Frankenstein's monster! World War II might soon be over... but THE WAR OF THE UNDEAD is just beginning. This collection compiles the three-part miniseries plus the exclusive 9-page preview story, too. From the twisted team of Bryan Johnson and Walter Flanagan, who let Karney loose on an unsuspecting public.
Is there more to this or was the three-part mini-series all there is?
it is mini-series. this "01-03 of 100" is some error. :S
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