Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mouse Guard: Fall 1152

Title: Mouse Guard - Fall 1152
Genre: Fantasy
Story$Art: David Petersen
Publisher: Archaia Studios Press
Year: 2006-2007
Issues: 01-06 of 06
Rate: 96/100

PROMO: In the world of Mouse Guard, mice struggle to live safely and prosper amongst harsh conditions and a host of predators. Thus the Mouse Guard was formed: more than just soldiers that fight off intruders, they are guides for common mice looking to journey without confrontation from one hidden village to another. The Guard patrol borders, find safeways and paths through dangerous territories and treacherous terrain, watch weather patterns, and keep the mouse territories free of predatory infestation. They do so with fearless dedication so that they might not just exist, but truly live. Saxon, Kenzie and Lieam, three such Guardsmice, are dispatched to find a missing merchant mouse that never arrived at his destination. Their search for the missing mouse reveals much more than they expect, as they stumble across a traitor in the Guard's own ranks.

Baltimore: The Plague Ships

Title: Baltimore - The Plague ships
Genre: Horror
Story: Mike Mignola, Christopher Golden
Art: Ben Stenbeck
Publisher: Dark Horse
Year: 2010
Issues: 01-05 of 05
Rate: 85/100

PROMO: After a devastating plague ends World War I, Europe is suddenly flooded with vampires. Lord Henry Baltimore, a soldier determined to wipe out the monsters, fights his way through bloody battlefields, ruined plague ships, exploding zeppelins, and submarine graveyards on the hunt for the creature who's become his obsession.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Legend of the Scarlet Blades

Title: Legend of the Scarlet Blades
Genre: Fantasy
Story&Art: Severio Tanuta
Publisher: Humanoids
Year: 2011
Pages: 192
Rate: 80/100

PROMO: Cartoonist Saverio Tenuta writes and paints a twisted tale of a masterless Samurai named Raido searching for clues to his bloody past in a feudal Japan ruled by spirits and beasts. Highly recommended for fans of Samura's BLADE OF THE IMMORTAL, Koike/Kojima's LONE WOLF & CUB, and HEAVY METAL magazine.

Ythaq - The Forsaken World

Title: Ythaq - The Forsaken World
Genre: Epic Sci-Fi
Story: Christophe Arleston
Art: Adrien Floch
Publisher: Soleil/Marvel Comics
Year: 2008
Issues: 01-03 of 03
Rate: 90/100

PROMO: The first-ever English adaptation of the critically acclaimed European comic-book series from writer Christophe Arleston and artist Adrien Floch, a science-fiction epic adventure that has captivated readers around the world! In space, no one can hear you scream — even if you’re screaming for help from deadly mercenaries while trying to survive a crash landing on a strange, new world! Battered by a cosmic storm, the space cruiser Comet’s Mist falls toward an unknown planet. Only one man and two women survive: poetic technician Narvath, young and intrepid astronavigator Granite, and beautiful but unbearable and materialistic passenger Callista. Only fate knows what lies ahead. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Nancy in Hell

Title: Nancy in Hell
Genre: Horror
Story: El Torres
Art: Juan Jose Ryp
Publisher: Image Comics
Year: 2010
Issues: 01-04 of 04
Rate: 70/100

PROMO: The forces of Hell itself rally against Nancy and the feeble-spirited Lucifer! Nancy's former friends, now hell-driven, and the monstrous City of Dis stand in the way of their escape from the depths of the underworld... Dis, a city built on despair and shattered memories, ruled by the powerful Furies, Queens of Pain. And they're waiting for the runaways!


Title: Robotika
Genre: Fantasy/Steampunk
Story&Art: Alex Sheikman
Publihser: Archaia Studios Press
Year: 2005-2006
Issues: 01-04 of 04
Rate: 85/100

PROMO: Alex Sheikman Niko, the Steampunk Samurai, is in Her Majesty's service. But is he a faithful royal bodyguard or a for-hire yojimbo? A perfect warrior, or a soulless weapon? Follow Niko on his journey of self-discovery with Uri Bronski and Cherokee Geisha as they discover a world filled by silent samurai, fast-talking geisha, deadly mecha-betsushikime, digital dijhits, and morphing butterflies.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Meta 4

Title: Meta 4
Story&Art: Tedd McKeever
Publisher: Image Comics
Year: 2010
Issues: 01-05 of 05
Rate: 81/100

PROMO: An astronaut awakens on Coney Island, lost and without memory and is befriended by a wall of a woman dressed as Santa Claus. Their quest to find the amnesiac's identity turns into a journey of the most bizarre as the pair travel across America on a road littered with redemption and nightmares.

REVIEW: Haotično, uznemiravajuće, umobolno, poremećeno... kada neko tako opiše strip (ili knjigu, film) obično sa dozom skepse mu priđem. Upravo na takvu preporuku drugara uzeh da čitam ovo, nošen mišlju da je isti neprejebani hipster. 
I dok većina pokušaja da se čitalac zbuni, zavede velom nejasnog, dovede to tačke gde više ništa nije, osim ludila, sigurno najčešće završava debaklom dosadnog i napornog, Meta 4 donekle uspeva da izbegne takvu sudbina. 
Lično ovakve mini-serije čitam u jednom cugu, sednem za komp/zavalim se u krevet i zgutam sve što se zgutati ima. Ovog puta to nije bio slučaj - više od jedne sveske nije prijalo mom stomaku i glavi, potrebno je čitati pažljivo, sa potpunom pažnjom, a opet ćete imati osećaj da nešto ne shvatate i d aje problem u vama - dok je ednostavno strip tako napisan. Ipak, nešto vas tera dalje, da li doza nekog isčašenog humora, očekivanje još jedne potpuno sulude, apsurdne situacije ili nadanje nekom otkovenju na kraju...
Crtež je odličan, odnosno odlično ide uz celu priču. Likovi su zanimljivi i duboki. Sve u svemu - interesantno i vredno čitanja.

Black Orchid

Title: Black Orchid
Genre: Superhero
Story: Neil Gaiman
Art: Dave McKean
Publisher: DC Comics
Year: 1991 as TPB (as tree-part mini-series - 1988)
Pages: 160
Rate: 92/100

PROMO: From one of the most highly recognised and award winning comic writers on the scene today, Neil Gaiman (Sandman, Death, Violent Cases), and his sometime collaborator, innovative artist Dave McKean (Arkham Asylum, Cages, Violent Cases) comes a haunting and stylish exploration of birth, death and renewal. Both human and flower the heroine, Black Orchid, undertakes a hazardous journey to uncover her true origins, providing a moving ecological parable for our times. This work by Gaiman and Mckean is an early showcase for the talent we know today.

REVIEW: Proćiće još koja godina, još koja desetina strana stripa, dok Neil Gaiman ne počne da donosi magiju i nepatvorenu umetnost u svet američkog stripa glavne struje - tamo negde od osmog broja Sandmana. Ali već ovde povlači jasnu, kilometrima dugu i desetinama metara široku crtu između sebe i ostatka tadašnje (danšanje, prošle, buduće...) scene, bivajući verovatno najkrhikji, najdelikatniji umetnik koji je ikad svojim radom bio deo strip industrije. Njega ovde, za razliku od Milera ili Mura ne zanima politika, moderno društvo, već smao i isključivo ono umetničk, ono lepo zbog lepog, zaneseno, onostrano, ako ne bitnije, onda makar ono što je iznad svakodnevnog života, ono što levičari, desničari, fašisti i liberali ne mogu svojim kandžama nikad ni da dotaknu, a kamoli da unište. Može se ova savremena vizija superheroine koja je pola žena-pola biljka posmatrati i kroz prizmu zelenog, ekološkog pokreta, ali ne mora. Ne, ztaista ne mora, jer, suštinski ovo je pogled na superheroje zarobljene u modernom svetu, baš kao i u delima gore pomenutih autora, samo ovde tanannije, ne toliko okrenuto moralnim dilemama entiteta koji bi trebali biti vrhunski pravedni stavljenih u svet političke korektnosti, ljudski prava i kriminala i ljudksog zla koje je mutiralo u bezbroj vrhunski izdržljivih oblika, već na emocije tih stvorenja... i upravo tu stoji ta manjkavost, to što ga deli od ultimativnog remek-dela, nekada ta emocija nije dorečena, nekada je usiljena.
Ono što je, pak, bezgrešno jeste vizuelni stil darovitog Dejva MekKejna i ovde, kao i u nizu plodova saradnje sa Gejmenom - iscrtava prelepe prizore, donosi možda i veću dozu umetničkog i lepog nego li pišćev narativ.

7 Psychopaths

Title: 7 Psychopaths
Genre: Action/Adventure
Story: Fabien Vehlmann
Art: Sean Phillips
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Year: 2010
Issues: 01-03 of 03
Rate: 85/100

PROMO: 7 men, 1 impossible mission - assassinate Hitler! With World War II in full swing, there's only one-way to draw the war to a quick end: kill Hitler. But who would be insane enough to try? Joshua Goldschmidt knows just the men to do it. Insane? Psychotic? Mad? Call them what you will, but the SEVEN PSYCHOPATHS are now the only hope the world has...
In the vein of INGLORIOUS BASTERDS, with art by the critically acclaimed Sean Phillips (CRIMINAL, INCOGNITO).

REVIEW: Fabien Vehlmann, do sada za mene nepoznat francuski strip-pisac, je u ove tri sveske, pre svega, pokazao visok nivo zanatskog znanja, shvatanja medija, kao i određene posebnosti i prednosti evropskog u odnosu na američki strip. 
Tri sveske, doduše, onako evropski nabijene pričom, su Fabienu bile sasvim dovoljnoe da nam servira bezmalo tuce zanimljivih, upečatljivih i ne sasvim zaboravu sklonih likova! 
Jer, strip gotovo uvek jeste okrenut liku - bio to američki superheroj ili neki od, kod nas posebno popularnih, bonelijevih junaka, za uspeh i dugovečnost stripa je uvek bio presudan taj jedan lik koga će publika voleti. Ovde takvih imamo sedam, neki manje, neki više posebni,. ali svi se brzo pamte i svi imaju nešto svoje. 
Priča u koju su naši antiheroji gurnuti nije do sada neviđena - suicidna misija sa ciljem hitlerovog smaknuća podseća na Inglorious Bastards, a dobra doza teorija zavera bačenih u narativni lonac daje blago naporan ukus. Ipak, dijalozi su dobro napisani, sam tok priče je skladan i zanimljiv.
Od mene - preporuka!


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