Title: 30 Days of Night
Genre: Horror
Story: Steve Nilles
Artwork: Ben Templesmith
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Year: 2002.
Issues/Pages: Complete
ENGLISH(wiki): "30 Days of Night was a three-issue miniseries that jump-started the careers of writer Steve Niles and artist Ben Templesmith. Vampires flock to Barrow, Alaska, where the sun sets for about 30 days, allowing them to feed without the burden of sleep to avoid lethal sunlight. When the vampire elder Vicente learns of this plan, he travels to Barrow to end the feeding, in order to preserve the secrecy of vampires. Because of the cold, the vampires' senses are weakened and a few of the town's residents are able to hide. One such resident is Sheriff Eben Oleson, who saves the town by injecting vampire blood into his veins. He uses his enhanced strength to fight Vicente, saving the lives of the few remaining townspeople, including his wife Stella. Suffering the same weakness as all vampires, Eben allows himself to die and turns to ash when the sun rises."
SERBIAN(review):U pitanju je istinski biser devete umetnosti, dokaz da je ista još uvek jaka, da se i dalje pojavljuju fenomenalni mladi autori! Priča kao takva možda i nije izuzetna, vanvremenska, ali posmatrana u granicama "undead žanra" deluje sasvim dobro i originalno. No, glavni adut ove mini serije, koja je sad već prevazišla i najšire granice kulta i postigla bezmalo planetarnu popularnost, jeste vizuelni identitet. U vreme kada svaki strip izgleda prelepo, nabudženo, moderno i cool, koliko i istovetno i šablonski (kao da svi koriste iste fotošop efekte) "30 Days of Night" stoji ponosno - drugačiji. Mračan, nesavršen, uznemirujuć. Ukoliko od stripa pre svega tražite jak vizuelni identitet ("Sin City") ovo je obavezan komad za vas!
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